Additional Strain on Our Health System
As Australian hospitals become stretched, ambulance/ police have more obligations and health procedures change due to Covid-19. It is important to consider if an AED should be purchased for your home.

Police and ambulance will usually have AEDs available and usually you find AEDs in public areas such as shopping centres, workplaces, sports arenas and public transport. However, many cardiac arrests occur at home and now with more people staying within their homes it is important that people who are high at risk of cardiac arrest consider the option of an AED. An AED can save precious minutes in reviving a person with ventricular fibrillation.

Get an AED Defibrillator For you home

An AED can provide peace of mind and could save your life. We have listed High Risk Groups that should consider purchasing an AED

Are you a high risk group?
– Do you have a specific heart rhythm problem?
– Are you over 60
– Have you experienced any breathing or respiratory issues?
– Are you from the following ethnic groups: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people or Indian sub-continent
– Family history. Has someone in your family had a heart attack?
– Do you have any medical problems, a terminal illness or a very weak heart that hasn’t responded to treatment?

If you need more help or have any questions then please feel free to contact us at Melbourne Defibrillators on FREECALL: 1300 210 409